Level 1

Welcome to level 1 of the step-by-step core course! This level is aimed at complete beginners (pre-A1 of the CEFR levels), focusing on learning core vocabulary and set sentence structures while improving their spoken English. Each lesson is designed for 25-30 minute classes, and comes with lesson previews, workbooks and flashcards.

Unit 1: Introductions

This unit focuses on greetings and saying a simple self-introduction.

Unit 2: Art

This unit teaches colors and shapes, introducing simple “It is a…” sentence structures.

Unit 3: Fruits

This unit teaches words for common fruits and introduces asking simple questions.

Unit 4: Weather

This unit teaches weather and seasons, practicing simple descriptive sentences.

Unit 5: Toys

This unit discusses popular kids toys and introduces prepositions.

Unit 6: My body

This unit introduces parts of the body and more complex sentences.

Unit 8: School

This unit teaches useful classroom vocabulary and grammar in a school context.

Unit 9: My week

This unit focuses on the days of the week and describing your weekly schedule.

Unit 10: Time

This unit teaches students how to say the time and describe daily habits / activities.

9 thoughts on “Level 1”

  1. Hi Katie,
    Do you offer tests/assessments for each unit? If not, when would you recommend I test them as we’re progressing through each unit?

    1. Thanks for the question! Sure, the last lesson of each unit is intended as a review and informal assessment of students’ progress 🙂 I hope this helps! ~Katie

  2. Katie,
    I just love your lessons, your teaching on I-teach and explanations on WeChat, XiaoHongShu, Weibio and Bilibili.
    I just wish I can actually meet you. I was forced to retire against my will as I was still coaching sport. I am still struggling to get students (want to teach beginners – adults and children) Conversation and vocabulary. I ‘m from SA and cannot get onto WeChat.

    1. Hi Etresia, thanks for the lovely message! I’m so glad to hear you enjoy the lessons and coaching 🙂 Sure, so I do offer one-on-one coaching too if you are interested, and of course you’re always welcome to join in our webinars and the live group trainings included in the iteach program too! ~Katie

  3. Hi Katie, just wondering where you would fit in the magic e lesson? What course and lesson would you suggest? Thanks so much 🙂

    1. Hi Laura! Sure, so I would do the magic e lesson after phonics level 1 🙂 In terms of how it fits in alongside the core course, this is left more flexible – depending on your student, I’d recommend having maybe one lesson of the core course and one lesson of the phonics course per week. Some students may already be quite confident with phonics, so could progress more quickly (e.g. if their native language is phonetically quite similar to English and they already know most of the core letter sounds, you could just do the review lessons from level 1 then move straight to level 2), whereas others may need more support. Hope this helps! ~Katie

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