Homestay Cultural Trip – Deqing Flower Festival

Deqing flower festival

Every year in spring, the small county of Deqing hosts a spectacular flower festival on the peaceful Xiazhu wetlands and ancient town.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole community to come together and celebrate the start of spring, with dances, singing, traditional dresses and beautiful flower displays.

Traditional dresses

Our EduCare au pairs had the opportunity to dress up in traditional local outfits, including these beautiful blue dresses. 

Different regions across China each have their own distinctive dress, resulting a colourful display of Chinese culture.

Nowadays, fewer and fewer people are choosing to wear these traditional clothes on an everyday basis, but they are still very popular among tourists and at cultural celebrations.

Cultural parade

Once they had dressed the part, the au pairs joined the cultural parade around the Xiazhu lake, enjoying the beautiful wetland scenery and ancient Song dynasty bridges.

1 thought on “Homestay Cultural Trip – Deqing Flower Festival”

  1. Greetings,
    I’m Andrew tembo from Lusaka Zambia, and I’m a teacher by profession, but currently looking for a job.
    Your response will be highly appreciated

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