PalFish Demo Class Slides Walkthrough and Top Tips

In this lesson, we will walk you through the slides for the PalFish demo class as well as share my own demo class recording.

Slides walkthrough

Click through this presentation to see an overview of all the slides from the PalFish Hello Monkey demo class, as well as top tips and recommended actions for each:

Remember that you can also enter the classroom at any point before your demo class to preview the slides and practice. The recording will not start until the scheduled time (see the countdown timer at the top).

Top tips

This video introduces my top tips for passing your PalFish demo class:

Example demo class

This is a recording of my own demo class. It is definitely not perfect (!) but gives you an idea of what they are looking for as a minimum to get hired.

On reflection, if I was applying again I would:

  • Make sure I had a more colourful and exciting background (I lost significant marks here!)
  • Reduce unnecessary words/ sentences
  • Add in some pronunciation or grammar correction, for example pretending they had pronounced the “th” sound incorrectly and drilling them on this

Important: Before your demo class, be sure to check out the next few lessons which analyse in detail the key assessment criteria along with advice on how to score top marks!

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