The third criteria focus on your teaching attitude – essentially how enthusiastic and encouraging you are during the class.
Be active
Be an active teacher on the camera. This means that you shouldn’t just sit/ stand still in one spot, but instead vary your position appropriately.

For example, when teaching a keyword or pronunciation, come closer to the camera so the student can more easily see your mouth.
Similarly, you can use actions to teach new ideas or words. When teaching body parts, you can point to your nose/ mouth/ eyes, while when teaching letters you can mime them or draw on a whiteboard.
During the short cartoon clips, don’t just stay motionless on screen. Act out along with the characters, for example pretending you are searching for the monkey or acting shocked when the cat jumps out at your face. You can use your props during these cartoons too in order to link them more clearly to the characters in the cartoon clips.
Dress code
PalFish requires you to wear a blue top during your classes as their “uniform”. You do not need to purchase a particular top specifically, but do make sure it is relatively smart/ appropriate, not super low cut (in China, teachers tend to dress more modestly) and doesn’t show any large brand names or inappropriate words. Your shoulders should be covered. Personally, I usually pick a simple blue t-shirt or blouse and match with a light blue cardigan.
The final criterion in this category is your positioning. You must sit or stand upright, showing that you are enthusiastic and engaged in the class. Avoid slouching or leaning against furniture / the wall.